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our trip via instagram | scotland and england

Some instagram photos from my iPhone! Starting out with the plane to Edinburgh to West Berwick to Stirling down to Carlisle, London, Windsor and now Oxford. We have done a bunch of touristy things from a bike ride through the streets of London, to a cruise hop-on-hop-off boat on the Thames to seeing all the castles in Scotland, Hadrian’s Wall, royal homes, museums, Olympic Park and oh so much more! There will be another post when we return to the States with more details on my thoughts (once I have a moment to process it all!). Anthony is now officially at his conference (the whole reason we are even able to do this trip!) and I have a moment to catch up and check out Oxford all on my own!


the truck | oklahoma adventures

We did a quick trip back to Oklahoma for a college graduation, an Eagle Scout ceremony, and Mother’s Day! It was the first time since we got married that we were around to celebrate our mother’s (and Anthony’s aunts + grandmothers too!). The rain decided to follow us from New Jersey back to Oklahoma, so we had the muggy, humid, wet weather before, during and upon our return back to NJ. Luckily the sun came out in honor of all the mother’s on Sunday. Which is perfect since my mom has wanted to get photos of my nephews by this truck for years now. Both Randon and Rylan are at an age to listen better and can climb over fences, so as a mother’s day present (even though she is known as Sassy these days), we did photos!

You can see the wheels turning in Rylan’s mind in this first photo – he didn’t want to hold Randon’s hand (similar to this past Christmas when neither wanted to be in a photo together). He is so so ornery, and gives everyone a run for their money. He also knows how to work the charm and will be uber sweet, giving hugs too. Sweet and sour that little guy is!

Boom! They are finally holding hands!

The best photo of Mark and his boys that I’ve been able to get! (also after telling Rylan to not choke daddy).

Randon wanted nothing to do with the truck anymore, as it’s *dirty*. He is very much like his pop-pop, and doesn’t like dirty things!

My iPhone is cooler than anyone else’s because it’s a treat! Only once or twice a year, that’s how rare it is. Before we went back last Christmas, I found a free app, Hair Xmas. Randon loves it and could play it for hours. You shave, blowdry, cut and do all sorts of things to Santa’s hair/beard along with a Christmas tree. The minute we arrived, he asked to play with my ipone (no h is necessary for him!), he started up the app. I’m glad I was able to capture the two of them with my pone (and not fighting!!!), playing such a simple, silly app!

robin w - June 5, 2012 - 7:29 am

These are great Kim! Thanks so much for sharing. The boys have grown sooooo much! God Bless them both and their dad.

home sweet new home

We have official moved 100% completely out of our old apartment, finally turned our keys back in this week. Princeton has now been “home” to us longer than any other place as a married couple (we will be celebrating 7 years on the 11th – time sure has flown by!!!) and we lived in that apartment the longest of any other place. It had a lot of quirks, downfalls and overall not-so-pleasant things, but we truly made it home. I do miss it. The living room was uber spacious, we had walls painted (including the yellow wall), and everything just “fit”. It’s taken some adjusting, selling items, purging much to get the new place just right. The only thing we are currently holding out on is a smaller dining room table. The one we currently have has worked in our previous 3 homes, but unfortunately not this one.

The absolute best parts of the new place is first and foremost, it’s a brand new place. We are the very first people to live in it!! We also have a huge kitchen, two bathrooms (that are not PINK!!), and full-size stacked washer and dryer!! I am no longer a slave to laundry or making sure I have quarters on me (though my mindset is still the same to hold on to every quarter possible, and get as many back when I pay with cash!).

DISCLAIMER: these photos were all taken in a rush the morning we flew out to OK. many items were moved around to make it seem like we had it together one week after moving in! excuse color balance issues too!

We shall start at the door (two different perspectives, and yes that is supposedly my desk that is right next to the door!)

Our dining room that doesn’t look much different today than it did two weeks ago! Once we get a smaller table, we will hang photos on the invisible wall to the left of the photo. I don’t like them all on the buffet table!

Part of the old camera collection. Anthony thought it would be a great idea to display them more prominently this go round. I’ve added another to the collection since these were taking too – thanks to a friend who found one while we were in OK!

One of my favorite spots in the home! It’s in the hallway between the kitchen and the bathroom.

Once again we had to get creative – not a huge fan of all my books being so close to the kitchen but it works! LOVE the baskets that hold my glass jar collection (that my husband thinks I hoard, but I beg to differ!). I found these two at an antique mall up the road from us.

Oh how much I love this kitchen! I believe I have 95% of my kitchen stuff in the actual kitchen. It’s a true miracle, but also goes to show how *much* kitchen stuff I have! We even got rid of a ton too.

Seriously my favorite thing about the place is the washer/dryer!

Our bedroom, though it doesn’t look like this much anymore. Curtains and frames are still up (though it looks like I will need to make new curtains considering these are too short!), but we got a new bed that’s way too high and we changed our bedspread.

and this is going to be home for the next year. thanks for looking!!!

Kelly Gorney - June 5, 2012 - 11:11 am

WOW! Kim, it looks so amazing!!!! You must be so excited to actually be moved in! Great job on making it look like a home!

eli + family | princeton family photographer

Griselle has been a long time Zumba student of mine (she lost an incredible amount of weight by attending Zumba twice a week and calorie counting – she is a total rockstar!!). As her daughter’s first birthday was rapidly approaching, Griselle knew that she wanted family photos taken. It was only a few short days after we did the session that they packed up and moved back to Puerto Rico. We sure do miss this family in Princeton!

Eli is UNO/ONE!!! (one of her tricks she has up her sleeve!)

They are beyond gorgeous of a family!

I couldn’t possibly not share this outtake! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaidean - May 29, 2012 - 10:30 am

Beautiful family! Love that first shot!

Griselle - May 29, 2012 - 11:18 pm

Kim, let me tell you that we absolutely LOVED all the pictures!! Thank you!

And I sure do miss zumba ๐Ÿ˜‰

liam daniel | princeton newborn photographer

Christine + Dan welcomed a beautiful little boy, Liam, into the world on April 20th. I was stoked when Christine emailed me on the 19th saying she was heading to the hospital, I was keeping my fingers crossed that he and I would share a birthday. Just a few hours shy, but still special nonetheless!

Mom + Dad are completely head over heels in love with this little man, as shown in the first photo!

I am so glad I had a lamb hat in my stash as Liam’s nursery is done completely in lambs. How perfect and fitting!

Oh little piggly wigglies!

Have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!

Christine Zurich Madrid via Facebook - May 25, 2012 - 12:20 pm

Thanks, Kim! The photos are beautiful. He’s growing so fast he looks like a different baby already. So glad we did those ๐Ÿ™‚

KeRRi - May 25, 2012 - 5:20 pm

Aww! What precious pictures of that handsome boy! ๐Ÿ™‚ love!

Kelly Gorney - June 5, 2012 - 11:12 am

Just lovely! Love all of these!

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