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julia turns one | princeton child photographer

It’s been a year since our dear friends Jason + Keeley celebrated the birth of their firstborn Julia. As I mentioned in that post, they moved to Arizona while both of their families are still on the east coast. Luckily for me, they came back to celebrate Julia’s first birthday with their families and I was honored to take photos of the precious milestone of turning one.

Keeley’s family has a tradition of taking first year photos in this adorable white romper (her mom even brought Keeley’s pictures up for me to view – then I realized how much little J looks like her momma!!). I love Julia’s little piggy toes, her cry, how much she loves both her momma and grammy, and my favorite is seeing Keeley look at her daughter in awe.

Happy happy first birthday Julia!!!

princeton child photographer

Kim Schmidt is an on-location child and family photographer serving Princeton and the greater Central Jersey area. July and August are booking fast! Today is the day to book your own lifestyle photo session!


camera bag

I’ve been in need of a new camera bag for months and thought how easy it must be to make one. HA, was I wrong on that one. I picked out the fabric last spring to match my branding, cut it all out and then let it sit for months on end. As part of my “finish all uncompleted projects”, I made the last push when my mom visited the first of April. Since I didn’t have a pattern other than my old bag, it meant a lot of frustration, seam ripping, and lots of mistakes. The bag isn’t perfect by any stretch, but I’m proud of it!

The bag holds my Canon 5D Mark III with a lens on it + 2 other lenses (in the photo below there is the 70-200L and the 35L on either side with the 50L on the camera itself). I also made it with a zipper pouch to hold business cards, extra battery, hair ties, mints, etc. My CF card case hangs out in one of the two pockets with a lens.



amanda | princeton commercial photographer

It won’t be long before you see this beauty in magazines or on TV. Amanda is getting into the business and with her genuine personality, smile, and amazing looks, I believe it won’t be long for her to get to work.


Kim Schmidt Photography is an on location child and family photographer in the greater Princeton area.

Now booking summer photo sessions!


longwood gardens

It’s no surprise in this tech-savvy world, that you can make connections and find friends all over the country and/or world. I joined an online photography forum (that’s a spin off from The Knot/Nest) back in 2007 that really got me to where I am today. Being a spin-off from The Knot/Nest meant most of the women were new parents and wanted to take better photos of their children. A good portion of the original 100+ ladies turned their hobby into businesses and we are still supporting one another today, 7 years later. For several years, a handful of us go to OBX in September for relaxing and catching up. It’s one of the best weekends and I look forward to it every year.

Enough rambling about that photo group and on to this post! A few years back, another forum popped up and I joined. While I wasn’t as active (it was during a time when I decided to step back from unnecessary activities, including the internet!), there is a good many girls that live in this area. We had a few get togethers and that sealed the deal, that I wouldn’t be leaving them! Luckily around the same time, a FB group was created and I’ve been able to keep up a little better that way. This February, the 6 of us featured at the bottom of this post, met up at Longwood Gardens in PA. I love being able to talk shop, laugh, smile, and maybe take a few macro photos while enjoying the company of these fine women.

Last week, I shared on the business blog a few of Audrey’s headshots but I saved more of the macro photos and behind the scenes here. I left Longwoods doubting that I was able to capture any macros that were worthy of sharing, since I don’t have the patience to adjust the macro, be steady, and all that jazz. I’m fairly proud of the ones that turned out. 🙂

Audrey is such a beauty. We ended up spending more time talking about eco-friendly/conscious ways than taking photos, but it’s been awhile since we’ve chatted in person! She has inspired me to start a series on this blog about ways we can make changes in our homes to be more eco-conscious! Be on the lookout soon!Michele (in the blue+white shirt) has a pass to Longwoods and captures beautiful macros. If you don’t believe me, go check out her blog. She means business when the tripod comes out, flash rings, tubes, and more. I have no idea what half the stuff she has but it’s fun to watch her work!Thanks to the old man that had an expensive camera on a tripod that I was sure would be able to take a photo in manual for us for capturing this. While he didn’t actually know what he was doing, at least this is in focus! 


audrey’s headshots + macro photos

Still playing catch up on the blog. Up today are photos from a quick jaunt with photographer friends to Longwood Gardens back in February. I am very fortunate to have friends all over the country (as I mention time and time again here!) that share a passion for photography. It doesn’t seem as strange when we show up to a location all decked out in camera gear ready to show the world who we are! Audrey asked about headshot photos, as she recently went through a drastic lifestyle change, leaving her full time job to work at a wellness center. She has such a loving, sweet, sensitive spirit and I hope that I captured that for her. Enjoy!

Don’t forget that now is the time to book your family or child photo session for the summer. Kim Schmidt Photography is an on-location professional photographer in the greater Princeton area.


twins | princeton lifestyle newborn photographer

Sydney + Etan are miracle babies born in January of this year. While they are no longer considered newborns, we still were able to capture precious moments with mom + dad at this lifestyle in-home twin photo session. I love that mom + dad are not afraid of color in their home, which compliments the outfits chosen too!

Etan is with mom, Sydney is with dad.

Sydney confesses to the smell in the room. 🙂
Such sweet sweet babies!

Kim Schmidt Photography is an on location lifestyle newborn photographer serving the greater Princeton area. If you’d like to book your newborn session, email me today!

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