Check out those 2 teeth!!
For those people who are interested in my photography, PLEASE still contact me. We won’t be outta town until the end of July. And like I mentioned, I can come back often.
This gal wants to be a model – she loves America’s Next Top Model! Look at those eyes!
This is one of my absolutely favs. She was admiring a bird eating bugs off a tree.
Kissing on Pumpkin Pie!
We ventured into NYC on Wednesday of our trip to NJ. It was my first experience in NYC. And truthfully it was nothing special to me. Maybe I was just not in the mood to be super excited, but I thought it was a just a large city (as if I’ve really been in many large cities!). I have a friend who loves NYC and when I came back she asked my opinion. I think she was a tad hurt that I didn’t find it magnificent. I’m not gonna lie – I could get use to living that close to such a large city. I mean we’re talking B&H Photo Video is up there!!! I’d be in heaven. And if you are starving for Starbucks Coffee its literally on every block (I counted upwards to 15 and we didn’t even walk that far!)

Right across from Macy’s!
There was this large motorcade of cops and yes they all had their sirens going as if that was necessary! We didn’t know where they were going (and they were pretty much at a stand still for a good 15 minutes). I know that day there was a group of protesters in the financial district and my theory is they were going over there.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Incredible!
This is Anthony with his patron saint, St. Anthony!
The Empire State Building (as if I needed to type that!)
We had to go check out the Late Show with David Letterman. He wasn’t filming that evening – boo!
WARNING: This next picture is a sight to behold!!!
This is at the NYC Library. CHECK OUT THAT HAIR!?!?!?

I love the hand in the mouth! So cute. 🙂