You all have seem this little man several times on this blog. He has gotten so much bigger – check out that hair! And how can you resist those gorgeous big blue eyes!
Last weekend Anthony & I volunteered to help with the 50th anniversary Jubilee dinner at our church. We were servers for the night. Since we were all fancied up, I decided it was picture time! Here is the results. I LOVE this picture of Anthony.
And yours truly.
And here we are in all our glory with the other young adults from our group.
Anthony & I said are wedding vows 3 years ago today in Norman, OK. I did some digging on the ole hard drive to find these pictures. My own wedding was what drove me into photography. Thank you to all those who shared our special day. Anthony & I really enjoyed ourselves that day and have never forgot about it.
For those who come to my blog and don’t know the story here it is. We got married on June 11, 2005 at high noon. It was a nice blistery hot Oklahoma day. We had a reception immediately following the ceremony in the fellowship hall of the church (yes there was wine – I’m Catholic!!!) After that was over, we left and relaxed a bit. Then 7pm strolled along and we had an evening party! It was held at the Oklahoma Sooner football stadium – in one of the club suites. It was heaven as Anthony and I met down in Dallas during the big OU/Texas football rivalry.
We’re coming from the back we’re we saw each other before the ceremony.

Saying our vows – we had to memorize those and we had no help from the priest or deacon. I got choked up but I made it through. 🙂

I didn’t include any reception photos as they aren’t that great. Here we are walking into our evening party at the OU stadium.

This was grooms cake #2 – a football field. 😛

Anthony dropped cake in my dress – not sure what he is trying to do. I was not about to let him get it out of there!

There is many things about that night I will never forget. This is one of them. This is my father – he brought the house down. When no one was on the dance floor, he and my mom got out there and danced to the YMCA. Now we aren’t just talking any ole YMCA, we are talking the YMS something or other. He was doing all sorts of letters and jumping up and down. I thought he was going to have a heart attack on the dance floor. I’m so glad he and my mom got out there. I joined them and its one of the best memories I have of my dad. Thanks dad for making that night special. Love your baby girl!

Jane was born on May 9th and she is adorable! How can you resist a smile like that while sleeping?
LOVE the new blog Kim!! And this session is gorgeous- what beautiful images- that first one needs to be blown up BIG!
what beautiful baby portraits. its nice to stumble across someone with talent once in a while. sometimes it seems like anyone with a camera thinks they can start up a business.
anyway, i just wanted to put in an encouraging word. babies are tough!
I had fun with this family of 7 at their home in Franklin, TN. All the kids loved the camera and you can’t deny it looking at the pictures. Thanks Jennifer and Matt for letting me visit your family on their last day of school.
Not much time to blog, but we were at Centennial Park in Nashville, TN for this session on Wednesday. Thanks Erica for letting me experiment with your children
Gorgeous photos of both of you!! Happy (belated) anniversary, you guys!