On Monday, March 27th, 2017, Anthony successfully defended his dissertation in front of his committee, several other faculty, + a few dear friends. I wish I would have gotten a photo of everyone that attended in the “galley” but alas it didn’t happen. See, a snow storm blew through New Jersey on the original date […]
We’ve been huge fans of homemade chicken stock in this house. It’s simple to make, easy to freeze, and full of minerals and nutrients that you cannot get from store-bought stocks. Don’t be intimated by stock, I promise if I can do it, you can too. Normally I hold off on making stock until I […]
A few years back, I was blissfully unaware of the pain A began experiencing on July 4th after eating Arby’s for lunch. We had plans to go down to Philadelphia with friends for the big concert and fireworks display. I was busy making a bag to take with us, and excited about crossing 4th of […]