Category Archives: the schmidt’s

meet baxter
m e e t b a x t e r | our rescue boxer For several years, we have tossed around the idea of getting a boxer. WeView full post »

meet lucy + tanner
m e e t l u c y + t a n n e r | miniature schnauzer puppies My nephews received Lucy + Tanner for Christmas.View full post »

Going into our third year of marriage, we had made the decision to stop driving back to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. ItView full post »

family time
When we were in debate mode about moving back, one thing that was a huge pull for us is being near our families. WeView full post »

audi a4
We are the proud owners of a silver 2016 Audi A4!!! Anthony has been dreaming of an Audi since we saw James Bond drivingView full post »

the museum
The best news that we have probably ever received is that Anthony got a job! A job that is perfect for him. A job thatView full post »