Category Archives: hs grads

It’s been quite a few years since this photogenic family has taken professional photos – it’s a honorView full post »

amanda | princeton commercial photographer
It won’t be long before you see this beauty in magazines or on TV. Amanda is getting into the business and withView full post »

noah’s senior year
The ladies basketball team was on the court, losing by a handful of points, my nerves were through the roof as AnthonyView full post »

colin | central jersey senior high school photographer
Colin will be going off to college next fall, and to celebrate the last year at home, mom wanted to highlight and honorView full post »

beau | central jersey senior photographer
As a birthday present to his mom, Beau agreed to meet Sunday afternoon on the Lawrenceville School campus when he couldView full post »

shannon | central jersey senior photographer
The last afternoon/evening while in San Antonio, Kelly and I met up with her cousin Shannon to get some senior photos.View full post »