mercer museum | doylestown, pa

Memorial Day, Anthony and I decided to head to Doylestown, PA to visit the Mercer Museum. This was an item on our Schmidt’s Adventure.

Henry Mercer gathered everyday life items from the 18th and 19th centuries and completed a 6 story stone castle to house the collection. The objects document the lives and tasks of early America, before the Industrial Revolution. Mercer had quite the organizational skills, placing like items in their own alcoves, i.e. file making, printing, tinsmithing, wallpaper, harvesting, etc. He also placed the items in importance to the individuals. The first few floors are items that were essential and then the higher floors were for luxury and items for fun.

With Rollo, Mercer’s dog.

This exhibit really caught my eye, wallpaper and textile making.

When you first walk into the museum, you see the central court with a whale boat and more. I didn’t realize Anthony was in the shoot, but I love that he is looking up in amazement. There is so much stuff crammed into this castle its amazing. There are even baskets and cradles on the ceiling.

Outside of the museum/castle.

Christina - May 29, 2009 - 1:40 pm

Cool museum!! Cool shots!

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