outpace cancer walk

Anthony, Emery, + I did the 1 mile walk around the OU Health Sciences Center for Outpace Cancer in honor of my mom’s fight with Ovarian Cancer. Emery + I wore our teal in awareness of ovarian cancer. At the bottom of this post is an info-graphic with symptoms (early & advanced). Please make sure that you are listening to your body + that you are talking with your doctors. My mom’s biggest regret is not talking about the specific pain with her OB/GYN. She spent years trying to get answers through her internal medicine doc, but what she complained about weren’t red flags for cancer, unless you know.

*Pelvic or abdominal pain
*Needing to pee more frequently or urgently
*Feeling full quicker or having issues eating

E’s shirt says “Love Over Roar”!
He could do without all the kisses!

Did you know that there is no screening to detect if someone has ovarian cancer? Every 23 minutes a woman receives the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. That is heartbreaking. Awareness is all I’m asking friends.

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