playing in the park | princeton child photographer

You may recognize this family on the blog, as I’ve been photographing them for over 3 years now. As a child photographer, capturing the personalities of each child is what I’m seeking. I know that I nailed it on this one – both girls love to read, color, + play together! Plus when it comes to coloring with chalk, one is a bit more careful and the other a little more diligent (I can relate to being more diligent as I remember not ever wanting to get out of the lines in coloring books when I was that age!). Their art work is probably still there at the park and I can only imagine what people think when they walk past it!

Come on, don’t you love a front toothless cheesy grin!!!

Kim Schmidt Photography serves as an on-location Princeton child photographer. Email me today to capture precious moments of your child’s ever-changing life!

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