quick may update

It’s been quiet over here on the personal blog for almost 2 months – sorry about that friends. The month of April is always a whirlwind and fairly stressful time for us, with school finishing up, people interested in outdoor photos again (hello beautiful blooms and warmer weather!!!), my birthday, and the hubbub of normal life! This year was no different with a visit from my mom the first weekend, a jaunt over to Indianapolis for a photo workshop the second weekend, my birthday/Easter the following and several photo sessions and events mixed in.

Over the coming days and weeks, I’ll be sharing more about all of these happenings, some completed sewing projects + an update on our future. Thank you for coming over to this blog and reading my ramblings. I know it’s not much (and who knows, maybe no one really reads this anyways) but having a save space to write is important for me.



Alli - May 8, 2014 - 8:53 am

I read it!!!!!!! I miss you guys and am trying to keep up with your lives, although I could do a much better job and feel a little out of the loop sometimes. Thinking about you both. Don’t stop bloggin!

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