Part of our adventures in the northeast included seeing a taping of the Colbert Report (can be seen on Comedy Central at 11 EST). We completed that on Thursday (I will do another post with that picture and more details later). The taping was in the evening, so we went into NYC early to walk around. I didn’t want to bring my camera gear for many reasons, so the P&S came out! We went down to the Brooklyn Bridge and the WTC area. They are heavily edited and many of them have textures applied. I may blow up one of the Brooklyn Bridge pictures to hang in our living room. Leave a comment telling me which one you think (I’ll probably print in B&W).




We wanted to see ground zero but they are in the process of building the memorial site. They have huge fences with pictures so you can’t really see in. I was a little bit bummed, but just being down there is something else. One of the buildings next door has very little damage – I was very surprised about this. This church is right across the street from the site. The towers would have been straight on.

I love the first bridge shot, what great perspective and how cool it would look blown up and in b/w.