Today was my first day of being a full-time photographer!! Last Friday was my last day of watching Sully. I was sad to leave him, but I’m just thrilled my business is taking off. Actually in the last 30 minutes of being with Sully, he learned “Up”. And I think he comprehended it – I’d put him on the ground, he’d put his arms out, and I’d say up, he’d repeat and I lifted him and gave praises. It was too precious!
I was very productive today – I finally set up a business checking account.
Its pretty much official now (right??) I did lots of other errands (like taking pants to get altered and filling up my tank with gas) that were much needed.
Last week (I think it was) Anthony & I went to the St. Henry volleyball match. Here are some action shots of the girls. They are really good – so competitive but polite at the same time (I mean they are Catholic!) We’re really going to miss them all when we go up to NJ. I know they’re going to miss Anthony as well. Good job Tigers!